Wednesday, December 16, 2009

want it but can't

want it : mau nontooon banget,sampe-sampe ada dvd (yang bajakan) keluar tetep aja ga kesampean...the first cause is about my mom,second is about money,the last is about school and homework

- Harry Potter and the half blood prince 

and alsooo the trailer
sampe melongo dan bosen ngeliat trailernya berkali-kali, teteeeep aja ga jadi nonton padahal bajakannya udah muncul berkali-kali sampe yang paling bagus,ahh...jadi males nontonnya kalo ga di bioskop
want it : mau banget nnton the Christmas carol, I know most of you know it...but i can't,oh i just hate the situation like this. no money and also no permission from parents

 agaain...the trailer

 want it : okay the last one...really totally very much want to see the AVATAR movie, when? where? with who? that's the only question that will spit out from my mom....(i'm not a baby or a kid anymore ) aaarghh...


don't forget to open this

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